How do we measure the distances to stars?How do we measure how far the stars are when we can barely comprehend such massive distances?Mar 18, 20221Mar 18, 20221
Determinism makes me uncomfortableEveryone hates determinism, but we can’t prove it wrongDec 19, 20211Dec 19, 20211
Quantum mechanics is weirdThe real reason quantum mechanics is so notoriously difficultNov 29, 20211Nov 29, 20211
The Plural of Moose is MooseYou know how sometimes you discover something very few people know about, a song with a few hundred streams, a game that’s criminally…Nov 27, 2021Nov 27, 2021
The cosmic microwave background: a peephole into the pastA quick overview of the Cosmic Microwave Background and its significance for cosmologyAug 20, 2021Aug 20, 2021
What the heck is quantum computing and why is it important?Quantum mechanics is often hailed as the next big, revolutionary invention, but what actually is it, and why is it so important?”Jun 12, 2021Jun 12, 2021